The Partners Post

The Partners Post

Legal placement industry news and opinion from The Partners Group team.


The Partners Post

Respecting the Right to Disconnect

My colleague Dawn Martin and I were excited to both be featured in Olga Mack’s Above the Law article today, about respecting the right to “disconnect” in the modern age.  Link below:

Podcast: Inclusion in the COVID-19 Era

I was thrilled to be invited by a partner at Littler to be a guest on this podcast a few weeks ago: The New Call to Action in a COVID-19 Era: The D&I Challenge Ahead for the Legal Industry

You can read about it and listen right here:

Coping During COVID-19

As we enter week 12 of quarantine and social distancing measures across the country, it is a good time to reflect on how far we’ve come over the past three months in terms of adapting to working from home while taking care of our families and many other responsibilities that have been made significantly more … Read More ›